Revolve Electrical excels in the installation of off-grid solar systems, catering to those aiming to reduce their environmental footprint while maintaining comfort and efficiency. Our service involves custom-designing and installing off-grid solar systems tailored to the unique needs of each home. As a leading installer of off-grid solar solutions, we ensure that living off the grid doesn't mean compromising on quality of life.
Our installation services include the increasingly popular off-grid solar hot water systems, a favourite among homeowners for their ability to reduce energy costs and support a greener lifestyle. Additionally, we specialise in installing off-grid solar power systems for homes, providing reliable and sustainable energy solutions. Whether situated in remote locations or in urban settings, our off-the-grid solar installation options offer the independence and efficiency residents seek. At Revolve Electrical, we are committed to providing top-notch installation services for off-grid solar solutions, trusted by homeowners throughout Whangarei and the rest of Northland.
Perhaps the idea of being completely self-sufficient appeals to your independent nature. Or you simply want to keep your carbon footprint as small as possible. Sometimes, going off-grid is the only option. In remote locations, it may be impractical or prohibitively expensive to connect to the grid.
An off-grid solar system involves significant investment, planning and design. It’s important that every part of the house is as energy efficient as possible, and you should consider using other fuels for high energy needs such as hot water, cooking and heating. This will help minimise seasonal fluctuations in the demand from your solar system and reduce the size of the system you need to install.
In designing your system, we consider things like your power use habits, whether you are home during the day, the difference between summer and winter sunshine hours. The price can vary widely between systems and will depend on several factors including the amount of power you need to generate and the number of batteries you need.